7 Epiphany. The Transfiguration

On the mountain top, the divinity of Christ is revealed to them. After being literally petrified with fear, they are woken by the touch of Jesus, a touch from the King of kings.   The word used to describe Jesus’ dazzling appearance is the same as that used to describe lightning. The disciples are woken out of their ignorance, their sleeping, to see the light of Christ.

3 Epiphany: Unity

Now at the heart of all of Paul’s letters is the cross of our Lord Jesus. In fact it is so central to Paul’s teaching that he wrote in the very next chapter of this letter to the Corinthians that “I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Cor 2:2)

Advent 3 - Joy

John the Baptist's question from prison is really the question for hearers of every age. “Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another?” It is the question.  It sort of leaps off the page and lands in our laps.  What are we to make of this Jesus for whom we wait?  Is he real?  Could he really be ‘God with me?’  When John preached ‘Repent!  For the Kingdom of God is nigh,’ what did he even mean?